This is a response letter from a MOVE letter writting event. Our letters are appreciated!..
Restore the Justice By: Fong Lee December 22, 2014 Bur the body, Skin. Eye. The..
Walled By: C Fausto Cabrera I drag a calloused finger along a smooth white washed..
Education not Incarceration By: Barry Dodd March17, 2014 A little bit about myself. I come,..
An Unremarkable Nan Named Hideyoshi By: Trevor Brown I would like to take a few..
Yes to New Positive and Healthy Influences in Your Life By: Trevor Brown Statistically, one..
What Happens When the Bull Elephants are Taken Away? By: Toby Earl Johnson There is..
Introducing Myself By: Jamie Rohr My name is Jamie Rohr. I am currently serving time..
Sister Fong Lee 03/27/14 I brush your head with the palms Of my cursed..
Intro to Restorative Justice Maurece Graham 03/27/14 ..
Image Part 1 Toby Earl Johnson 03/13/2014 So often we get stuck on a path..
Jeffery Young A Letter on Fortitude “Finding the right answer, is often the least difficult..
Dear Friend Mujaddid Rahim Muhammad Dear Friend, If you have met me here in the..
To the Youth Behind the Walls Jeffery Young The thing I enjoyed the most about..
My Message To You Maurece Graham January 25, 2013 Dear Young One: Hope has a..