2nd Annual International Hip Hop Activism Conference
2nd Annual International Hip Hop Activism Conference
September 24-25, 2016
Vallecito Room, Student Union
Fort Lewis College
Durango, Colorado, USA
Fly into Durango, Colorado Airport
Hotel Discount at Durango Downtown Inn mention you are attending this conference. It should be $99.00 a night.
With over 30 speakers from around the world, the 2nd Annual International Hip Hop Activism Conference located at Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado is directed by Dr. Anthony J. Nocella II and hosted by the Department of Sociology, Durango Hip Hop, Sociology Club, Criminology Club, and Durango Save the Kids with many sponsors is a grass-roots, non-funded, fully-volunteer, free event (with donations being requested and welcomed during the conference). This conference promotes Hip Hop activism and the relationship between Hip Hop culture and social justice. This conference will have workshops, presentations, roundtables, and discussions about the politics of Hip Hop. As this is a volunteer-led effort, the conference will not cover food, but attendees can eat in the cafeteria, where there will be vegan options. We have no scholarships or funding to pay for lodging or travel of anyone.
Nestled in the Rocky Mountains, Durango, Colorado is an international vacation destination with hiking, bicycling, camping, skiing, rafting, climbing, art galleries, wonderful restaurants/cafes, and Native American ruins. Durango, Colorado has a local airport, over twenty hotels, public transportation, and is one of the most beautiful mountain towns in the United States. We invite you to not only attend the conference, but save time to enjoy the natural world as well.
1. Anthony Nocella, Fort Lewis College
2. Josh Jones, Durango Hip Hop
3. Leroy Moore, Founder, Krip Hop Movement
4. Ahmad Washington, University of Louisville
5. Reies Romero, Saint Paul, MN/DJ
6. Priya Parmar, CUNY Brooklyn
7. Coppa Stone, Kingston, Jamaica/Artist
8. Amad Moussa, Canada
Department of Sociology
Save the Kids
Durango Hip Hop
Durango Prisoner Letter Writing
Sociology Club
Peace Studies Journal
Poetry Behind the Walls
Wisdom Behind the Walls
Academy for Peace Education
Institute for Hip Hop Activism
Critical Animal Studies Academy
Outdoor Empowerment
Eco-ability Collective
Criminology Club
Institute for Critical Animal Studies
Journal for Critical Animal Studies
Green Theory and Praxis Journal
Arrisa Media Group
Dirty Hands Collective
Critical Urban Education Journal
Transformative Justice Journal
Black Student Union
For more information contact: Anthony Nocella 315-657-2911 or nocellat@yahoo.com