Letter from Trevor Brown
Mari Anderson,
Thank you so much for taking the time to inscribe a few words for me. I always find it so inspiring to hear from people like you at Fort Lewis College with Save the Kids. Not to mention that I am always deeply humbled as well. Your stories are so powerful to me. For you to leave Oakland, CA where many of your people had suffered incarceration to Colorado in search of a brighter and more promising future… wow. You are a very brave and determined person and I am proud of you beyond measure for the decisions you’ve made for your life and the path you are carving out in the world.
At any rate, at this particular point in my life I’m not really sure how you guy *scribble* (sorry I had to get a new pen) can lend me your support. I have been locked since I was 18 years old and next year I will go before my first review board where I will have served twenty years of a thirty year sentence. Knowing that one day I would have a chance at parole I put my nose to the grind stone to ensure I would have my ducks in a row. Now, it’s just a matter of waiting for me. Still, I do not waste a moment of my time. I am committed to not only my success in life but in having my life make a difference.
However, there is currently a bill on the Minnesota house floor about the “Release of Inmates” where lifers will be eligible for parole at eighteen years instead of thirty that many would love to see pass. The bill was on the MN senate floor last year but was subsequently shot down by a narrow margin. We would like to gain the support for the Bill by possibly having an online petition posted up and maybe having the Twin Cities chapter of Save the Kids attend the House committee meetings on the Bill to show support. If that could be arranged that would be great. I could get you the information on the Bill so you can track it and find out when the meetings on it will be and so forth.
Well, I will close for now so I can finish doing some of my drawing assignments for my graphics design class. Again, it was a pleasure to hear from you. Have a wonderful day.
In solidarity,
Trevor Brown