Save the Kids Monthly Conference Call Meetings are the 1st Saturday of Every Month
Save the Kids Conference Call Meetings are the 1st Saturday of Every Month at 4:00pm Eastern USA Time. All individuals and organizations working for youth justice, ending the incarceration of all youth, and the dismantling of the school to prison pipeline.
4:00pm Eastern USA Time
3:00pm Central USA Time
1:00pm Pacific USA Time
Conference Call:
Dial-In Number: 1 (605) 475-6767
Access Code: 139-8410
Physical Location: Goodwill Easter-Seals Saint Paul, MN
651-379-5931 Goodwill number
553 Fairview Ave. N, St. Paul, MN 55104
3pm Central to 4pm Central USA Time
(1) Introductions of each person: Say Your name, where you live, and organization you are representing
(2) Updates from each chapter and partner organization
(3) Updates on WBW
(4) Updates on JHHS
(5) Updates on TJJ
(6) Updates on PBW
(7) Updates and Discussion on National Week of Action Against Incarcerating Youth
(8) Update on all Chapters and Partners
(9) Closing and General Announcements
****Chapter Meetings Begin and National Meeting Conference Call Ends.
Anthony Nocella
315-657-2911 cellphone call or text