Get it right! by Isaac Stephen Kemet
Get it right!
by Isaac Stephen Kemet
February 10, 2013
I’m sitting up here listening and you keep on talking, talking about pure-D-garbage from the past.
I’m so tired of listening to trash, I’m up here learning how to claim my life back because this is my last best chance to get it right.
I can’t afford to allow anyone to waste my time with foolishness, so I would appreciate it if you would stop trying to change the frequency that is helping me change my thinking so I can change my life.
If you don’t stop talking you’ll help me with taking
a positive new action-step in getting up from you and finding a seat closer to the front where you’ll be forced to listen or stay stuck.
I’m gonna start all over again… I’m gonna clean-up what I messed-up…
If you feel like I do, then start all over again
by listening instead of hearing that pure-D-garbage
inside your subtracter-friend’s core-beliefs.
-Isaac Stephen Kemet
OID# 111766
1101 Linden Lane
Fairbault, MN 55021