Oct. 20-28, 2018 – National Week of Action Against School Pushout
In the meantime, watch our 2017 Video and Share our National Week of Action Demands
We call on districts, states, and the federal government to adopt Education as a Human Right and implement the following demands:
- Shift funding from school police to counselors, peace builders and positive discipline.
- Fund and use transformative and restorative justice, mediation and positive interventions in schools.
- Stop the arrest, school removal and pushout of Black students and other students of color, LGBTQ youth, students that are homeless, and students with disabilities.
- Make sure states and districts focus on school climate under the new federal law – the Every Student Succeeds Act.
- End paddling and other forms of physical punishment in all schools.
- Invest in public education and divest from privatization and publicly funded, privately run charter schools.
Get Involved and Follow Us on Social Media!
- Learn how to become a member of DSC today!
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- Follow Us on Twitter! Join the Conversation: #DSCWoA2018 #EndSchoolPushout #CounselorsNotCops
- You can download our 2017 Materials:
- Update your local WoA events here!
Save the Kids Events going on see below:
coming soon.