Not too Late to Organize for the National Week – Quick Things You Can Do
Ideas for organizing for the National Week:
1. Invite people to the fan page:
2. invite people to the event page:
3. ask your organizations to co-sponsor the national week and let me know (no money just promote promote promote)
4. take pictures with people with banners at a meeting about being against incarcerating youth and the school to prison pipeline and education not incarceration.
5. participate in the sign photo project:
Print this flyer off at your next meeting or laminate one:
Example of the flyer project:
6. Tuesday night organizing meeting:
* Every Tuesday Night for an hour. 10:00pm Eastern Time USA 9:00pm Central Time USA 8:00pm Mountain Time USA 7:00pm Pacific Time USA Conference
Call: Dial-In Number: 1 (605) 475-6767 Access
Code: 139-8410
7. make a small event just taking pictures and make an event page so we can post it on the National Week and let us know of other events you are doing privately so we can say they are going on on certain days such as “photos of sign, Wed Night Meeting at YMCA”
8. Please share and tag the events and week on twitter and Facebook
9. Tell the media and do write ups of the event on your website, blog, newsletter,
10. change your Facebook header to the National Week header/cover.